Friday, December 18, 2009

Loretta Lee treating her face to botox and laser surgery

 There's been a little bit more news being reported about Loretta Lee (李丽珍) recently then in the previous five years because word has it that she is hoping to return to the entertainment industry.

Back in 2004, rumours about her having an affair with a married hair stylist, Jacky Ma caused a decline in her popularity. (There were even reports saying that she lived with Jacky and his wife and participated in threesomes with them). She pretty much stayed out of the limelight after that.

Loretta Lee recently lost a lot of weight to become a spokesperson for a weight loss company. She also just signed a contract with a beauty company that has treated her face with botox and laser therapy to thin her face and remove age spots and freckles.

I find that it is always difficult for female celebrities in Asia to crawl their way back to popularity when scandals ruin their careers. (Quite the opposite of North America where scandals can make a career! - Think, Paris Hilton.)

 It is definitely admirable of Loretta to make changes to her life now! Plus, she looks great for someone who is almost 45 years old!

Here are some pictures of Loretta in lingerie after she lost her weight.

Below is a picture of Loretta Lee before she lost the weight!


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